Wednesday, January 18, 2012

Beware Yohimbe Harm Your Body..!!!

Yohimbe is an herb that is believed to cure impotence, this plant is derived from a diversified Australian pine trees. Yohimbe for years in the recipe used by physicians to treat men suffering from impotence.

However, there are some problems or effects you would get when taking yohimbe, let us discuss one by one.

Common Side Effects.
General effect of the use of yohimbe is dizziness. This effect is the most common experienced by all men taking yohimbe. You should be aware of the use of yohimbe if accompanied by driving your vehicle, because this is very dangerous to you.

Yohimbe can cause you a headache because your body tries to regulate blood flow to the penis, especially those of you who may cause you to have a normal erection.

Serious effects.
Another serious effect is affecting the respiratory system that occurs in your body and heart and your blood vessels (cardiovascular).

A lot of patients who reported that he suffered from shortness of breath, sleeplessness, rapid heart rate and irregular, chest pain, etc.. If you run into this problem, immediately consult your doctor. because it affects the heart that can cause heart attacks and even death.

Less serious side effects.
Anxiety, depression, stress, etc. can also take yohimbe natural they are. It does not harm you, but you're experiencing these feelings provide a less comfortable feeling for you.

Tremor, sweating, the skin becomes red, etc. is also an effect you get when taking yohimbe is because your body has to adapt to the yohimbe.

If you have been prescribed yohimbine, discuss all possible side effects with your doctor, especially if you are taking other medications as yohimbe can interact with several other drugs.

Tuesday, January 17, 2012

6 Benefits From Herbal Plants "Tongkat Ali"

Tongkat Ali or the more we know the Earth Stake is a testosterone booster for men. Tongkat Ali is a plant of tropical rain forests in Indonesia. The scientific name of Tongkat Ali is "Eurycoma longifolia".

Tongkat Ali is safe for your consumption at any age because it will not harm your body, rare side effects such as the use of stronger drugs. You'll get great sex with Tongkat Ali is taking.

If you are using Tongkat Ali, your testosterone will increase because its function is thus Tongkat Ali. Increased libido is the case both physiological, mental, and Tongkat Ali can increase the network especially in the muscles.

The use of Tongkat Ali is good to increase male sexual arousal, due to increased testosterone. Some of the benefits of Tongkat Ali:

    A. Increased Libido and Sexual Passion.
    2. Easy erection Learned.
    3. Will Increase In Muscle tissue.
    4. What Happened In addition Energy Body.
    5. Mineral levels increase.
    6. Better Cognitive Function.

Tongkat Ali is in Indonesia to be used for the treatment you are having problems in sexual desire. Tongkat Ali is a wild plant, unfortunately there are people who deliberately to plant Tongkat Ali.

If you want to get a "Tongkat Ali" you can contact my email for more information to get it.

Monday, January 16, 2012

Long Nuts For Plump and Hot Breast

There is no doubt the woman always wants to look elegant and sexy in front of her partner or the audience. Presumably that's why the woman did not hesitate to spend to get the ideal body and proportionate

Here are the properties of vegetables, nuts length for body care. This ingredient is a traditional herbal form Indonesia and maintained since time immemorial and is the daughter of the king's secret formula.



- Long beans taste fresh.

How to make:
Previously, the compressed breast with warm water. Then, mash beans until smooth and brush length to the average of the breast. Let stand for 1 hour, then, wipe with a soft towel. Do it for a month without a break.

For treatment, do 2 days.

Sunday, January 15, 2012

Traditional Remedy To Overcome Premature Ejaculation

Many men suffer from premature ejaculation is when a very young age, so it makes the wife often feel disappointed. Imagine if you have a very large force in sex, this course will make you proud and his wife can keep your domestic harmony.

Here are 10 original traditional recipe from Indonesian soil you can use to keep it strong when having sex (for men).

All material is heated under as much as a full kettle to boil and then drunk by half.

1. Drink decoction of leaves and Jakar angkrik jakatua.
2. Drink decoction of the leaves laddie laddie-outs, pulowaras fennel, red onion meeting, while the waste for posting on the stomach.
3. Pound the roots and leaves jayapurusa (japrusa) with fennel pulowaras, boil and drink.
4. Take the stew: chili lempuyang, pecel lime leaves, cloves, nutmeg, pepper, sugar stick, tuwa awning and a little salt.
5. Take the stew: chili lempuyang, betel leaves and roots of nut-grass roots, and tubers Nampu.
6. Pipisan soft drink from: saba banana base, tendrils of tobacco, citrus lilang mixed with water.
7. Eat pineapple hearts, even better if the young pineapple. Perform 2-3 days.
8. Try every day to eat crackers rambak (cowhide)
9. Eat a raw egg mixed with a sleek black chicken with garlic.
10.Every morning after up from sleep you must be drink a glass of water. It is useful to cleanse the kidneys and flush the seed.

Saturday, January 14, 2012

Quick Ways to Lose Weight

Weight loss is one thing that is guarded by women and even men, many of them are always trying to maintain weight loss by diet in a long time in order to maintain an ideal body weight, not a few also are willing to spend to get a slim body lean and the ideal, there is also usually do it in an instant, giving rise to effects that are not good for your health and very risky.

Quick Ways to Lose Weight
Maintain an ideal body weight is very necessary, but do not torture yourself with a diet that is healthy. The best and healthy way to lose weight and still have an ideal body is to keep eating healthy foods and exercise regularly
Here are some ways to lose weight naturally and healthy:
* Begin the activity with a breakfast containing fiber.
Drink beverages such as orange juice or milk. But keep in mind, do not be too much to drink full cream milk, multiply drinking low fat milk.
* Before lunchPal should eat a snack first. The goal is for the lunch menu is not too much because the stomach is 'elevated' to snack earlier. Attempted to eat an apple as a mouth wash. This is because apples are believed to bind to fat and cholesterol for subsequent disposal.
* Drink plenty of water / mineral.Try to consume at least 8 glasses a day. Benefits of water include digestive facilitate, accelerate blood circulation and of course water is free of cholesterol and low sodium.
Eat a light for nightFor example, eating biscuits as a substitute for rice but eat fruit at night is much better than my friend eating biscuits or rice. Exercise regularly so that food can be processed in the body and the fat does not settle too long in our bodies.
* Eat foods with a portion of the children.It is intended that the food is not too much into our bodies so easily and quickly digested by the body. The trick is stacked on top of the rice side dish, with a mind so we will be satisfied after enjoying a dish that is above the rice earlier. With so desire to eat as much rice can be reduced.
* Always provide a nutritious diet high as inventories pal in the fridgefor example, fruit, tortilla chips, whole wheat bread or beans.
Good Tips on How to Lose Weight Fast This can be useful for you, so you can more quickly and has a slim body ideal as expected.

Friday, January 13, 2012

Treat Itchy Throat Rainy Season

Strep throat is a threat of torture in the middle of the rainy season. In addition to itching and pain on swallowing, flu symptoms are usually accompanied by body aches, runny nose, fever, and muscle aches.
Do not rush to take medication. Try to relieve the herbal ingredients that you can racik yourself at home.
Mushroom SoupMushrooms are popular enough food to boost the immune system. "Studies show that mushrooms increase the production and activity of white blood cells. This is very good when the body has an infection, "says Douglas Schar, director of the Institute of Herbal Medicine, in Washington DC, USA.
One of the most expensive mushroom, shiitake, is who has the best nutrients for immunity. Maitake mushrooms also have the same benefits. You can process it according to your favorite menu, like soup. Eat while warm to give effect to relieve the throat.
Citrus fruitsNot only rich in vitamin C, citrus fruits, like oranges or lemons, also rich in beneficial antioxidants that strengthen the immune system. Make the lemon juice with no ice or warm orange juice. This simple drink quite effectively relieve throat discomfort and prevent further chronic attack of flu. For best effect, add one tablespoon of honey into the drink.
Green teaThe content of polyphenols in green tea's famous for it's potent attack to protect the throat of the flu virus. A Canadian study showed that green tea can encourage the body fight the virus growth. Contain compounds that can stop viral replication activity. But remember, do not drink it too hot because it could trigger more severe inflammation.
Apple cider vinegarThe content of vitamin C and antioxidants to make good cider vinegar to get rid of the virus. If you can not stand the taste is too acidic, and add honey. You can also use a liquid rinse with warm water added to relieve throat discomfort. In addition to apple cider vinegar, mouthwash fluids also can you make from a mixture of warm water and raspberry tea, ginger, or turmeric.
Steam spicesBesides drinks, you can also make a concoction of herbs in hot water or steam for evaporation. Mix warm water with herbs and spices to relieve nasal and throat such as eucalyptus oil, turmeric, and ginger in a bowl. Bring the area around the face, closing with a dry towel. The traditional way is reliable enough to prevent and cope with the flu.

Thursday, January 12, 2012

The Benefits of Doing 8 Intimate Relationships

Intercourse after marriage is a good thing, but there are many couples who do not know what are the advantages to have sex. Benefits of sex according to experts and scientists are able to form a world of good energy / positive for both partners and can enhance the immune system (immune system).
Here I will explain the benefits of doing 8 Intimate Relationships:
A. Can Reduce Stress.Researchers in Scotland showed that the intimate relationship that is done on a regular basis (2 days), can lower your blood pressure and reduce the stress of work or other problems that exist in your mind.
2. The burning of calories.Will burn about 110 calories when you have intercourse. This can make your body healthy because of the bad fats in your body will be reduced, and this is a diet solution that you can take.
3. Increase Immune System.Immunoglobulin A, or are often referred to as "IgA" will increase if you regularly have sex. This IgA function is to protect your body from bacterial infection or a disease that will make in your body.
4. Improving Cardiovascular Function.Intercourse activity both for heart health and blood pembuluuh you. Because you have intercourse with a routine, your heart will adapt to the pattern of breathing and energy you spend. If your heart beat well, then your blood vessels will also be good.
5. Can Reduce Pain.Intercourse can increase the hormone oxytocin and endorphins, the hormone is believed to reduce pain such as headaches, menstruation, etc..
6. Lowering the Risk of Prostate Cancer.Man aged around 25-30 years and they ejaculate at least 3 times a week, can lower the risk of prostate cancer. But research is not useful for those who are 30-50 years old.
7. You sleep better.As I described above to have intercourse, the hormone oxytocin increases. These hormones will create a feeling of comfort and happy when you orgasm. This is what will make you sleep more soundly. If you have trouble sleeping, do it first intercourse.
8. Increasing Confidence.Intercourse can increase your confidence, and this because of the orgasm hormone oxytocin increases. The hormone oxytocin is also called the "love hormone", which will make you comfortable, calm, happy, and confident.

Wednesday, January 11, 2012

Nutritional Tips For You

  • Research shows that if you eat together as a family, it helps children eat less junk food and more fruits and vegetables.
  • Replace white stuff with the brown stuff…brown rice, whole wheat bread (without corn syrup as an ingredient), whole wheat pasta.
  • Read the ingredient labels on food packages and choose foods with “whole” in the grain or flour name of the first 3 ingredients.
  • Add a green vegetable to dinner every night.
  • Snack right by eating an apple, banana, or strawberries at snack time.
  • Select fruits with more potassium, such as bananas, prunes, dried apricots, cantaloupe and honeydew melon.
  • Avoid the trans fats by checking the nutrition facts label before you buy it.
  • Plan your menu for a week and stick to it!
  • Resign from the “clean plate club.” When you’ve eaten enough, leave the rest.
  • Don’t skip meals. You become hungrier and drift towards bad carbohydrates.
  • Wake up early enough to cook yourself breakfast.
  • Ask for a half-order of a healthier regular item, or share your entree.
  • Implement the same healthy diet (rich in fruits, vegetables and grains) for your entire family, not just for select individuals

Tuesday, January 10, 2012

Healthy For Life Summer Tips

By Tracy Bryars, RD, CDE, CLE
Healthy for Life/PE4ME Program Manager

  • Hydrate with healthy beverages. “Rethink Your Drink” by choosing at least six eight-ounce cups of water each day, calcium-rich low fat or nonfat milk and 100 percent juices. Avoid sweetened beverages like soda, vitamin waters or energy drinks that only empty calories.
  • Eat meals together as a family to encourage unity, foster communication skills and improve nutrition and eating behavior. Involve all family members in the food preparation. Experiment with summer seasonal fruits and vegetables dishes.
  • Active kids are happy, well balanced and fit kids. Children and teens need 60 minutes of physical activity a day. Swimming, cycling, skating, tennis, running, karate and playing at the park are excellent ways to enjoy physical activity. Encourage activity that your child or teen enjoys and make it a daily habit!
  • Limit sedentary activity, which includes all forms of screen time (television, video games, computer, hand held games, cell phones and iPods), to two hours or less a day. If your child or teen has a television in their room, challenge them to remove it for the summer.
  • Try portion control when eating out. Request the menu nutrition fact information to help make healthier choices. Select fish, poultry and meat entrees that are baked, broiled or stir-fried. Substitute fruit and vegetables for home fries and French fries. Consider an appetizer-size portion or share a meal.
  • Healthy snacks include fruits and vegetables that provide children and teens with the potassium, vitamins A and C, magnesium and fiber that may be lacking in their diet.  These naturally nutrient-rich and mostly fat-free snacks are loaded with antioxidants that also help to prevent cancer, diabetes and heart disease.
  • Yes to whole grains that provide complex carbohydrates, fiber, B-vitamins and quick energy.  Look for items that list whole grains as the first or second ingredient on the label.  Excellent choices include oatmeal, brown rice, whole wheat pasta, crunchy whole grain crackers and cereals.
  • 4 the start of every day, be sure to include a healthy breakfast. Breaking the overnight fast with a little protein (an egg, low-fat yogurt or peanut butter), high-octane carbohydrate (whole grain toast, cereal or waffle), and some fresh fruit (mandarin orange, strawberries or banana) will supply children and teens with the energy needed to perform their daily activities at peak performance.
  • Lighten up by promoting good health instead of focusing on weight. Encouraging a healthy body image is crucial to your child or teen’s ability to succeed academically in school, physically during activities and socially with their peers. Body image disturbances can begin as early as preschool. Parents can serve as healthy role models by choosing nutritious foods and engaging in an active lifestyle that promotes health.
  • Initiate family outings at the park, beach, lake or community pool. Play outside games together such as Red Light-Green Light, Simon Says, Hide-n-Seek and Tag!
  • Foster your child or teen’s ability to identify internal signals to decide how much to eat and what to eat. Remember it takes our brain 20 minutes to recognize that it has been fed. Provide a variety of well balanced foods at each meal and sufficient time to eat in a relaxed environment.
  • Every day is a new day to make healthy nutrition and physical activity choices. Encourage your child or teen to make 80 percent of their food choices nutrient-rich and use the remaining 20 percent for “fun” food choices during special occasions and celebrations like birthday parties.

Monday, January 9, 2012

6 Supplements Prevent Impotence

Impotence can occur at any age. Impotence can you prevent and treat you with the consumption of some supplements. This supplement not only to impotence alone, but for the health of other organs as well. Below are some supplements that you can use to prevent the occurrence of impotence:

Impotence can be prevented by taking a multivitamin. Very good multivitamin to your daily consumption. Multivitamins are created to prevent impotence is a multivitamin that contains iron.

Creatine is a supplement to a like exercise. Creatine can accelerate muscle recovery and muscle growth.

Green Tea.
Green tea can burn fat in your body. Fat is not good for your body because it can cause impotence. Fat contained in the body can narrow your blood flow, including to the penis.

Saw Palmetto.
Other impotence supplement saw palmetto. Saw palmetto is believed to cure impotence and increase fitness.

Fish oil.
Fish oil is good for your consumption. It can cure impotence and heart attacks. Usually people who suffer from heart, he would also suffer from impotence. Because the heart is not working properly which causes your blood does not run smoothly.

Sunday, January 1, 2012

Make a Simple Live for Get A Healthy Live

Fun....keep smile..and get live with simple you are will get a live with sure..try it

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