Wednesday, June 12, 2019

The Importance of Maintaining Reproductive Hygiene

The Importance of Maintaining Reproductive Hygiene
Adolescent reproductive health is a health condition that concerns the health problems of the reproductive organs, whose readiness begins at the age of adolescence which is characterized by the first menstruation in young women or wet dreams for teenage boys. Adolescent reproductive health includes the functions, processes, and reproductive systems of adolescents. Health is intended not only solely from disease or from disability, but also healthy both physically, mentally and socially.

Basic Knowledge of Reproductive Health in Adolescents

Teenage age is a transition period characterized by various emotional, psychological, and physical changes with unique characteristics. It is important for adolescents to get the right information about reproductive health and various factors that influence reproductive health.

As an introduction to basic reproductive health, adolescents must know the following:

Introduction to the reproductive system's processes, functions and systems
Knowing HIV / AIDS and other sexually transmitted diseases, and their impact on the health conditions of the reproductive organs
Know and avoid sexual violence
Knowing the media and social influences on sexual activity
Developing ability to communicate, especially forming self-confidence in order to avoid risky behavior.
How to maintain reproductive organs, including:
Use a towel that is soft, dry, clean and odorless or moist.
Wear underwear with material that easily absorbs sweat
Underwear is replaced at least 2 times a day
For women, after urinating, cleaning the genitals should be done from the front to the back so that the germs found in the anus do not enter the reproductive organs.
For men, it is recommended to circumcise or circumcise the doctor to prevent transmission of sexually transmitted diseases and reduce the risk of penile cancer.
Physical, psychological, and emotional changes of adolescents at puberty can make teens more expressive in exploring their genital organs and sexual behavior. Meanwhile, wrong knowledge and perceptions about sexuality and reproductive health can cause adolescents to risk behavior towards their reproductive health. Therefore, the role of parents and teachers is important in assisting youth to find and find appropriate reproductive health information.

Tuesday, March 13, 2012

Vaginal Discharge and Prevention Method

Whiteness is a problem experienced by almost every woman. Whitish there are physiological (normal) and pathological (abnormal). If your discharge is not normal, this will adversely affect your health, especially on the part of your vagina. Whiteness is often considered a trivial problem, but if the white left abandoned, would have a very serious problem. From start to infertility and death.
Whitish (Albus fluorine) is a condition in your vagina that secrete excess fluid. If the fluid is normal, this is almost experienced by every woman. Characteristics that are normal vaginal discharge is a clear liquid, odorless, does not cause itching. This fluid came out not too much or the amount is, the liquid come out before or after menstruation, when sexually aroused, and when you experience stress.
Vaginal discharge is abnormal (pathological), is a whitish fluid that can harm you. characteristics is the color yellow to grayish, foul-smelling hanyir up, causing itching in your vaginal area, and the discharge amount more. Abnormal vaginal discharge is usually caused by fungi, viruses or parasites that live or grow in the vagina bagiana. If the discharge is ignored, can cause pain during urination.

How to prevent vaginal discharge :

* Maintain cleanliness of your vagina. wash your vagina with clean water that flows from front to    

* Reduce the use of antiseptics, because this could damage the vaginal PH balance.
* Replacement pads regularly at least 3 times a day.
* Avoid changing sexual partners.
* Perform routine checks to the Gynaecology

Whitish disease should be avoided and treated as quickly as possible, because if the discharge lasts a long time will be difficult to treat. And if you are already creeping into whiteness cavity of the uterus and ovaries to the channel, can cause infertility.

Monday, March 12, 2012

If Women Consuming Yohimbe

Yohimbe is a natural herbal ingredients that are commonly used for disease yohimbe impotence and this is proven to cure impotence. But now what happens when women take Yohimbe?

The Myth
A widely circulated misconception is that yohimbe should be used for women, because it contains yohimbe testosterone directly interact with male sexual hosmon. In reality yohimbe not associated with an increase in male hormones.

Mechanism of Yohimbe
Yohimbe is an adrenaline receptors that stimulate the feeling of being happy and accompanied by the addition of energy. Because of these properties, blood flow to your penis up and produce a good erection.

Yohimbe and Male Sexuality
Yohimbe is now widely used by men, but women who take yohimbe also showed increased sexual desire.

Other Uses
Yohimbe can be consumed by men or women and accompanied by a doctor. Because yohimbe can also be used to treat certain psychiatric illnesses, acute and chronic fatigue, and low blood pressure (hypotension).

Side Effects
side effects of yohimbe is a common anxiety, increased heart rate, difficulty sleeping (insomnia). And the use of yohimbe is not safe for pregnant and lactating women.

Sunday, March 11, 2012

Female Condoms Is The Best Contraception

Condoms are contraceptives to prevent pregnancy and prevent you from transmission of sexually transmitted diseases. Now condoms are not just for use in men only, because now comes the condom for women.

Or Female Condom The female condom is a cylindrical plastic tube is placed inside the vagina that works effectively to prevent pregnancy and reduce the risk of spreading infectious diseases during sexual intercourse.

The female condom or female condom is a plastic tube of cylindrical shape which enter into the vagina in women, is effective in preventing pregnancy and preventing you from transmission of sexually transmitted diseases. In the past, contraception for women is a form of pills, injections, etc., now is a lot of female condom use to prevent pregnancy and sexually transmitted diseases.

Brief information about the female condom (Female Condom):
1. Cylinder that is inserted into the vagina you.
2. Effective in preventing pregnancy and sexually transmitted diseases.
3. More secure because it can hold the sperm into your uterus.
4. Can be obtained easily at a nearby pharmacy.

The female condom consists of two rings on each end of the condom, the closed end is placed inside the vagina, while the open end is placed on the outside of the vagina.

Now the majority of women prefer to use condoms than other contraceptives. This is because it is more practical, without having to use a doctor's prescription, and injections. Contraception is safer for you to use because there was no effect of what is happening in your body, unlike a pill or injection that can affect the hormones that are on your body.

Saturday, March 10, 2012

Swallowing sperm ... Is Safe?

Is fluid ejaculated sperm in men, a lot of myths circulating that swallowing semen can cause pregnancy, is it true? The body produces about 6 billion sperm cells in one week, the sperm cell is what will cause the woman is pregnant because the sperm cell meets an egg cell that is in the woman's uterus.
Sperm are not harmful to swallow sperm provided that the condition is free of viruses or bacteria. There are so many myths that swallowing sperm, can make us younger. Is it true? It may be true although there is no scientific fact, but the sperm is very high in protein and has the effect of preventing the onset of aging.

Not cause pregnancy.Swallow sperm will not cause pregnancy, because you definitely swallow of the mouth that will not meet with your egg. From your mouth, the sperm will go down towards the stomach and abdomen after it is digested sperm in your body along with other foods. It has nothing that will cause you to become pregnant by swallowing sperm.
Risk of infection with sexually transmitted diseases.There is also a risk that you get when a sperm cell that has a virus like HIV, syphilis, gonorrhea. Chances are if you swallow sperm that have the disease, you will be infected.
So you must know very well with your spouse, if your partner have multiple sexual partners frequently or always faithful to you. if your partner is faithful and so you also, most likely your partner's sperm cells is safe. Because of the disease from gonorrhea, syphilis, etc. are often multiple sexual partners.
The conclusion is :

. Oral sex can lead to transmission of sexually transmitted disease if your partner is infected.
2. Sperm that you swallow will not make you pregnant because there is no connection with your eggs.
3. A healthy sperm cells are not dangerous for you to swallow.
4. A healthy sperm cell has fewer germs than your saliva.

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