Wednesday, June 12, 2019

The Importance of Maintaining Reproductive Hygiene

The Importance of Maintaining Reproductive Hygiene
Adolescent reproductive health is a health condition that concerns the health problems of the reproductive organs, whose readiness begins at the age of adolescence which is characterized by the first menstruation in young women or wet dreams for teenage boys. Adolescent reproductive health includes the functions, processes, and reproductive systems of adolescents. Health is intended not only solely from disease or from disability, but also healthy both physically, mentally and socially.

Basic Knowledge of Reproductive Health in Adolescents

Teenage age is a transition period characterized by various emotional, psychological, and physical changes with unique characteristics. It is important for adolescents to get the right information about reproductive health and various factors that influence reproductive health.

As an introduction to basic reproductive health, adolescents must know the following:

Introduction to the reproductive system's processes, functions and systems
Knowing HIV / AIDS and other sexually transmitted diseases, and their impact on the health conditions of the reproductive organs
Know and avoid sexual violence
Knowing the media and social influences on sexual activity
Developing ability to communicate, especially forming self-confidence in order to avoid risky behavior.
How to maintain reproductive organs, including:
Use a towel that is soft, dry, clean and odorless or moist.
Wear underwear with material that easily absorbs sweat
Underwear is replaced at least 2 times a day
For women, after urinating, cleaning the genitals should be done from the front to the back so that the germs found in the anus do not enter the reproductive organs.
For men, it is recommended to circumcise or circumcise the doctor to prevent transmission of sexually transmitted diseases and reduce the risk of penile cancer.
Physical, psychological, and emotional changes of adolescents at puberty can make teens more expressive in exploring their genital organs and sexual behavior. Meanwhile, wrong knowledge and perceptions about sexuality and reproductive health can cause adolescents to risk behavior towards their reproductive health. Therefore, the role of parents and teachers is important in assisting youth to find and find appropriate reproductive health information.


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