Whenever I read a list of natural acne treatments, I always stumble across tea-tree oil acne treatment, but does it actually work.
Unlike, lemon juice, oats and water, tea tree oil is a bit more expensive and left me pondering if it was worth the extra cost.
Well I can report that there is a reason I repeatedly see this natural acne treatment in the top of the cheap, effective treatments list and that is because, nine out of ten times tea tree oil is a fab way to get rid of acne.
Like with any product preaching to show your troublesome acne the door, this treatment has it's cons.
Some complain of it irritating their skin, making them itch and burn. Some say they saw an increase in facial redness and some even believe that it made their blemishes worse... This can happen to those of us that suffer with incredibly sensitive skin. This natural oil very strong in its purist form, so I only recommend those who do not suffer from sensitive skin to use it.
But more often that not, tea tree oil is very effective for acne. It is not a quick over night fix, but stick with it and in just a few weeks you should see visible results.
Te tea oil is very simple and easy to use. You can purchase it from any good chemist, but in my opinion The Body Shop is the best place to buy it, as they do not mix it with any harmful ingredients.
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