Acupuncture is a form of natural healing and alternative medicine wherein metal needles are inserted and manipulated in specific points in one's body. It originated in China around the 2nd century BC during the Han Dynasty, though bone needles were first used for the method. Acupuncture is widely believed to cure a variety of ailments and can be used for therapeutic purposes.
In traditional Chinese medicine, it is widely believed that ailments are a result of an imbalance of yin and yang caused by a blockage of energy or 'qi'. Qi flows through 350 different points found in the human body.
The benefits of acupuncture are numerous. Even medical doctors use these in conjunction with traditional treatments. For one, it's highly effective for treating pain and nausea after surgery. In addition, it's effective for people with chronic low levels of energy and high levels of stress. By inserting needles at specific points, energy pathways become unblocked, giving them a renewed feeling of vigor and reduced stress.
Acupuncture is one of the natural healing methods used in holistic healing. It aims to promote complete wellness, balance, and wholeness. Acupuncture stimulates the flow of energy in one's whole body, alleviating pain and illness, promoting wellness and health. It heals the body, mind, and soul, thus making it an effective form of healing.
Teman Yang Menusuk Dari Belakang
12 years ago
The laying on of hands is an old healing modality that is making its way back into our lives in a revival of ancient understandings. All around the world people is learning how to sense energy, move their energy and they are rediscovering energy healing therapies.
ilchi lee best selling author
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